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Home > Keenz FAQs > Comparing the XC and XC+
Comparing the XC and XC+
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Are you trying to decide between the Keenz XC 2 Passenger and XC+ 4 Passenger Stroller Wagon models?


In this video, Ashley Walseman shares the similarities and differences between these two luxury stroller wagons.


Both the XC 2 Passenger Stroller Wagon and XC+ 4 Passenger Stroller Wagon are designed for infants 6 months.


Both XC Luxury Comfort models offer:

- removable and reclining seats

- removable canopy with built-in side panels

- dual leather handlebars for pushing and pulling

- all-terrain wheels

- removable snack tray

- deep interior

- multiple storage compartments


The primary difference is in passenger load and weight limits:

XC 2 Passenger Wagon

Weight: 46 lbs.

Wagon Weight Limit: Up to 216 lbs.

Passenger Weight Limit: Up to 55 lbs.

Interior Dimensions: 17.5" wide x 32" long x 18.5" deep

Wheel-to-Wheel Width: 26.25"


XC+ 4 Passenger Wagon:

Wagon Weight: 54 lbs.

Wagon Weight Limit: Up to 326 lbs.

Passenger Weight Limit: Up to 55 lbs.

Interior Dimensions: 20.5" wide x 32" long x 18.5" deep

Wheel-to-Wheel Width: 29.5"


Watch the video here.

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