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Home > Keenz FAQs > 7S 2-Passenger Ultimate Adventure Wagon > Does the Keenz 7S come with All-Terrain Wheels?
Does the Keenz 7S come with All-Terrain Wheels?
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Please note: The Keenz 7S has been discontinued and replaced with the Keenz 7S 2.0 which does come with All-Terrain Wheels.


All-Terrain Wheels for the Keenz 7S model are available separately and come with four (4) All-Terrain Wheels and an All-Terrain Rear Axle.  When installing the All-Terrain Wheels, it is critical that you replace the stock axle, which came with the 7S, with the All-Terrain Rear Axle that arrived with the All-Terrain Wheels. The All-Terrain Rear Axle must be installed before you attach your All-Terrain WheelsThere is a slight variation with the All-Terrain Axle and it is essential for the proper use of your All-Terrain Wheels.  Be sure to install your original Rear Stock Axle before reattaching the stock wheels. The Rear All-Terrain Axle is not designed to work with the Stock Wheels.

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